Rufus wallpaper Hero Wars

Rufus Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. Last Updated: April 09, 2024.

Main Attributes

Rufus Main Attributes
Attribute Value
Position Front Line
Function Tank, Support
Main Stat Strength
Faction Mystery
How to Farm Events, Heroic Chest, Grand Arena Shop
Rufus Tier List 2024
Tier List Rank
Hero A
Hydra A+

Efficient Strategies for Using Rufus in Hero Wars Alliance

Why Rufus?

Rufus shines especially when confronted with teams that heavily rely on magical damage. His main ability, "Rakashi's Barrier," is an impenetrable wall against magical attacks, offering valuable protection for your team. Additionally, his other skills allow him to stay on the frontline for extended periods, blocking enemies and absorbing as much damage as possible.

Replacing Galahad and Judge

As we progress to more advanced stages of the game, it's natural to seek more effective replacements for the initial heroes. Rufus stands out as a solid choice to replace characters like Galahad or Judge in teams geared towards facing mages. Access to Rufus's soul stones in the Grand Arena shop makes strengthening this crucial tank easier. Investing in Rufus not only boosts your team's strength but can also save resources as he doesn't require as many investments to reach his full potential.

Battle Strategies

When building your team around Rufus, it's important to consider the synergy between heroes. Characters that complement his defensive abilities, such as healers or heroes who can reduce enemy magical resistance, can further enhance Rufus's effectiveness. Additionally, positioning Rufus properly in the team formation is crucial. Placing him on the frontline, protected by heroes who can provide healing or defensive buffs, will maximize his utility as the main tank.

Lead Your Team Against Mages

Rufus is an outstanding choice for teams facing magical challenges in Hero Wars Alliance. His ability to block and absorb magical attacks makes him a valuable and reliable tank in any battle. By investing in Rufus and implementing effective strategies, you can lead your team to victory against the toughest magical adversaries Hero Wars has to offer.

Rufus's Talisman Guide

With the talisman, Rufus will gain an additional 245,000 total health points and will have more durability against teams of wizards in Hero Wars. This way, it becomes more difficult to eliminate him quickly, and thus he activates his defense shield against magical damage to his allies.

In skills, the talisman adds an increase in life to Rakashi's Oath passive skill, as this skill depends on life for Rufus to resurrect with more life recovered.

Attributes of the Talisman of Oaths
Slot Statistics Points
0 Strength +2000
1 Health +55000
2 Health +55000
3 Health +55000

Rufus Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Protect allies with the Rakashi barrier by absorbing magic damage
  • Invincible against magic damage and pure damage
  • Tough tank against mage teams
  • Recover part of health
  • Deals pure damage

Negative Points

  • Weak against physical damage teams
  • The resurrect skill does not work against the Morrigan
  • The Rakashi shield only absorbs magic damage

Rufus Evolving Priorities


Glyphs Priorities
Priority Attribute
1 Health
2 Strength
3 Magic Attack
4 Armor
5 Magic Defense


Artifacts Priorities
Priority Artifact
1 Book
2 Ring
3 Weapon (armor)


Outfits Priorities
Priority Attribute
1 Health
2 Health
3 Strength
4 Magic Attack
5 Armor
Rufus com visual de verão, Hero Wars Mobile.
Rufus with summer skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Rufus vs Hydra

Rufus is a great hero against magic hydras, helping his team by absorbing magic damage with the Rakashi barrier.

  • Rufus's team for Magic Hydras: Martha. Mojo, Nebula, Jhu, Rufus

Rufus in Battles

Strong Against

  • Satori, Celeste, Xe`sha, Iris, Amira, Lian, Twins, Orion, Mojo, Faceless, Maya, Cleaver, Corvus, (and all magic attack and pure damage heroes)


  • Morrigan, Galahad, Chabba, (and All Physical and Critical Attack Heroes)

Best Rufus Teams Hero Wars

Rufus is a versatile hero in Hero Wars, capable of forming strong teams with various combinations of heroes. Below are some of the best team compositions featuring Rufus:

  1. Rufus, Julius, Juiz, Isaac, Astrid Lucas
    This team composition offers a balance of tankiness, damage, and support. Julius and Juiz provide additional frontline presence, while Isaac and Astrid Lucas contribute damage and crowd control.
  2. Rufus, Julius, Satori, Juiz, Amira
    Incorporating Satori into the lineup to attack enemy teams with his high magic damage, while Amira reduces their magic attack and provides magic resistance and buffs to keep the team sustained.
  3. Rufus, Andvari, Keira, Sebastian, Jet
    This lineup focuses on high damage output with Keira and Jet, while Andvari provide protection and Sebastian increases the Critical Hit Chance.
  4. Rufus, Satori, Jorgen, Faceless, Martha
    With this team, Satori's magic attack combined with Jorgen's energy manipulation and Faceless's ability to copy enemy skills can disrupt enemy formations effectively.

These are just a few examples of the many potent teams Rufus can be a part of. Experiment with different combinations to find the synergy that best suits your playstyle and counters the opponents you face in Hero Wars.

Navigating Magical Battles: Rufus Skills Guide in Hero Wars Alliance

The Formidable Rakashi's Barrier

Rufus is the undisputed master in defense against magical attacks. His primary ability, "Rakashi's Barrier," envelops the entire team with an impenetrable shield, absorbing all magical damage launched against them. With a shield capacity that grows with skill level, Rufus can face even the most devastating attacks with confidence, becoming an impassable wall against teams with heavy magical damage.

The Persistent Challenge with Rakashi's Taunt

In addition to his solid defense, Rufus is also capable of counterattacking with his "Rakashi's Taunt" ability. This skill not only inflicts damage over time to the enemy with the highest magical attack but also adds constant pressure on opponents, destabilizing their strategy and allowing your team to maintain control of the battlefield.

The Vital Recovery with Magic Devourer

One of Rufus's most useful features is his "Magic Devourer" ability. This skill converts part of the damage absorbed by Rakashi's Barrier into health for Rufus, allowing him to recover and remain on the frontline for longer. This self-sustainability capability is crucial in prolonged battles, where Rufus can continue to protect his team while maintaining his own health.

The Oath of Rakashi: Immortal Resistance

Finally, Rufus is blessed with the "Oath of Rakashi," making him virtually immortal against magical and pure damage. Now, only physical damage can threaten his life, and even then, he has a chance to resurrect, restoring part of his health. This ability not only increases Rufus's durability but also confounds enemies, forcing them to adjust their strategies to face an apparently invincible opponent.

Conclusion of Rufus the Master of Magical Combat Guide

In summary, Rufus is truly the undisputed master of magical combat in Hero Wars Alliance. His ability to absorb, counterattack, and regenerate makes him an invaluable asset to any team facing magical challenges. By investing in Rufus and implementing effective strategies that make the most of his unique abilities, you can lead your team to victory in battles against Hero Wars' most powerful mages. Prepare to navigate magical battlefields with Rufus by your side, and triumph over your opponents with confidence and determination.

Video suggestion

Video: How to level up Rufus, Hero Wars.

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